So I snapped my PK Ripper, and since I wasn't the orginal buyer I can't get a warranty on it. I figure I'll part it ans some other parts I have.
SE Landing Gear Fork: $70 OBO. Color is Raw. Good condition not bent.
SE Seat post: $20 OBO. Fluted with Annodized blue stripes.
SE Seat Post Clamp: $5 OBO. Annoed Blue.
SE 3PC 4130 Cromo Crank and Bottom Bracket: $50 OBO. Black I'll probably just throw in the broken frame and chain because if I don't get the chance to remove it.
Blacklabel PC Pedals. $15 OBO. Color is clear, looks more like a milky white. Brand new. Rode them a few times never did any grinds with them.
Hold Fast FRS: $35 OBO. Black. Great Condition
Bromton STD Saddle: $25 OBO. Black, small tare on the back right
33T Tree Sprocket (No SPLINED). $40 OBO. Annoed Blue
MKS Strapless toe clips. $10 OBO. Great for those with single speed or breaks who ride with boots or big shoes.
Profile Design Ultra FR Handlebars with Demolition Grips: $20 OBO. Black like new.
Cane Creek 110 Integrated Headset: $70 OBO Silver